[FAINAL] HS English Suggestion 2022 | WB HS Exams| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022

[FAINAL] HS English Suggestion 2022 | WB HS Exams| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022

HS English Suggestion 2022 | WB Exams| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022

HS English Suggestion 2022 / HS English MCQ, Short, Descriptive Type Question and Answer 2022| দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশান 2022 PDF...

Today GK-All Exams- এ সকল ছাত্র-ছাত্রী কে অনেক অনেক শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন আমরা আলোচনা করবো.অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশান 2022 নিয়ে. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার সম্ভাব্য প্রশ্ন উত্তর ও শেষ মুহূর্তের সাজেশন ডাউনলোড. পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার জন্য সমস্ত রকম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর বা উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 - HS English Suggestion 2022 নিচে দেওয়া হয়েছে.

HS English Suggestion PDF. PDF ডাউনলোড করতে চাইলে অবশ্যই কমেন্টে জানাবেন এবং পাশের নীল রংয়ের ঘণ্টা টি টার্চ করে SUBSCARIB করবেন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটিকে।  

অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশান 2022 / পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 / দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (HS English Suggestion 2022 / HS English MCQ, Short, Descriptive Type Question and Answer 2022 / West Bengal HS English Suggestion 2022

HS English Suggestion 2022 উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022.পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার সাজেশন 2022.(West Bengal Higher Secondary Class 12th English Suggestion 2022) নিচে দেওয়া হল. এই West Bengal HS English Suggestion 2022 WBCHSE - পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 MCQ, সংক্ষিপ্ত, অতিসংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রোচনাধর্মী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর গুলি আগামী HS English 2022 - উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি 2022 পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট. তোমরা যারা দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 - HS English Suggestion 2022 খুঁজে চলেছো, তারা নিচে দেওয়া প্রশ্নপত্র ভালো করে পড়তে পারো. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা তে এই সাজেশন বা কোশ্চেন (HS English Suggestion 2022 - উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজিসাজেশন 2022) গুলো আসার সম্ভাবনা খুব বেশি.

HS English Suggestion 2022 | WB Exams| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022

*PART-A - MARKS - 60*

1. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6x2= 12

PROSE * The Eyes Have It *

1. “I'm tired of people telling me I have a pretty face”. - Who said this, to whom
and when? What did the person speak to reply?
2.“ She was an interesting girl." - Who said this to whom and when? What else
did the person say? What reply did he get?

* Strong Roots *

1. "Why don't you say this, to the people who come to you ?" - Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word this? Why do the people come to the person spoken to? 

2) “People of different religions would be sitting outside waiting for him." - Who is referred to as ‘him'? Where did the people wait? Why did they wait there? What would happen thereafter? 

3) What do you mean by communal harmony? Describe Rameswaram as an ideal place for all communities.

* Three Questions *

1. What were the three questions the Tsar wanted to be answered? Why did he need the answer? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men?

2) Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? 

3) How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?

2. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6x2=12

POETRY * Asleep in the Valley *

1. “The humming insects do not disturb his rest." -- Who rests and where? What puts him to rest? Why can't the insects disturb his rest? 

2) How does the poet express the faultily of war? What message does he want to convey? 

3) “In his side there are two red holes." - Who is the person referred to here? What do the 'two red holes signify? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here?

* Sonnet No. 18: *Shall I compare thee to a summer's day *

1. But thy eternal summer shall not fade." - who is the poet? What is meant by "thy eternal summer? How does the poet suggest that 'thy eternal' shall never end? 

2) What do the rough winds do? What does the poet mean by 'summer's
lease? How is the friend's beauty superior to the summer's day?

* The Poetry of Earth *

1. Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead? 

2) Identify the voice of the ‘Poetry of Earth. How does Keats establish its continuity through these voices? Justify the little of Keats's 'The Poetry of Parts.'

3. Answer any one of the following in about 100 words: 6x1=6

PLAY * The Proposal *

1. Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play“the proposal.
2) “Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here." - Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this remark? 

3) Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna: What
logic does he give for his decision? 

4) Describe the character of Chubukov as a sensible father. / Sketch the character of Natalya. 

5)“ She's like a lovesick cat. who said this and about whom? Analyses the character of the person referred to here, under the light of the comment above. 

6)“ And it's impossible for me not to marry.” - Why is the speaker so interested to marry? Whom does he want to marry? Why?

4. a) Do as directed :- 1x6 = 6

1) “We'll soon be at your station”. I said to the girl. (Turn into indirect speech). 
Ans: - I told the girl that we would soon be at her station. 

ii) I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day. (Turn into an affirmative sentence).
Ans: - I hardly recall the exact number of people she fed every day. 

iii) Mine was a very secure childhood. (Negative Sentence) 

iv) I don't want the meadows, but I am action on principal (Complex). Ans:- As I am acting on principle. I don't want the meadows. 

v) I am awfully excited. (Use noun form). 
Ans. - I am awfully getting into excitement. 

vi) You have already been answered. (Change the voice).
Ans. - Someone has already answered you. 

vii) The water dripping from his face, the boy looked at her. (Split into two simple sentences.
Ans. - The water was dripping from his face. The boy looked at her. 

viii) He has never done with his delights. (interrogative). 
Ans. - Has he never done with his delights?

4. b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions. , 1/2x 6 = 3

1. I was prepared _(i) _sit their_(ii)_ almost any length_(iii)_time, just to listen_(iv)_her talking. Her voice had_(v)_sparkle a mountain stream.
Ans: - i) to, ii) for, iii) of, iv) to, v) the vii) of 

4. c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 1x1 = 1 

1. It could be a fascinated game, guessing what went on out there. (Option - fascination / fascinate / fascinating). 
Ans: - Fascinating.

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

The country's biggest inland lake, Chilka, connects with the Bay of Bengal through a narrow mouth, hence making it by nature a tropical lagoon. The lake is dotted with a number of picturesque. Islands bearing evocative names like Honeymoon Island, Breakfast Island, and Bird Island. Its beauty is further enhanced by its wide variety of aquatic fauna and resident and migratory birds. Its shores are habitual of beautiful blackbucks. The 19th century Oriya poet, Radhanath Roy remarked that Chilka was truly a thing of beauty, a joy forever.

The lake is surrounded by numerous hills. Its color changes magnificently with the passing clouds and the sun's position. The picture-postcard beauty is enhanced by the hundreds of boats that set sail every day, walked by the breeze from the sea, the fisherman making a bountiful catch of prawn, mackerel, and crab. Chilka wears a grand look especially in winter when it becomes home to exotic species of migratory birds arriving in large numbers from lands as far as Siberia and Mongolia and from some other cold countries.

There is a goddess Kalijal temple, the abode of its presiding deity, on a tiny island in Chilka. Another attraction is the island home of migratory birds called Nalabana. Visitors of the lake can reach the emerald green islands by motor launches of the Orissa Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) stationed at Barkul and Rambha that are available on hire. Motor launches of the state revenue department are also available at nearby Balugaon. Besides, country boats can be hired by private operators at all these points.

5. (a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T'for True and 'F' for False (You need not write the sentences, write only the numbers) 1x4 = 4

i) Lills surround Chilka. toon anglaisesta se bo

ii) On an island in Chilka there is a temple.
iii) Chilka has no connection with the Bay of Bengal.
iv) Prawn, mackerel and crab are unavailable in Chilka.

Ans.- i) T, ii) T, iii) F, iv) F.

5. (b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words: 2x3 = 6

i) Who spoke about Chilka and what did he say?
ii) When does Chilka be a grand look and why?
iii) How can a visitor explore the islands on Chilka?

6. (a) Write and Report about 150 words:10 × 1=10

i) Recently your school organized a Magic show. Write a report on it for the local periodical magazine.
ii) A free health check-up camp was organized in your school to celebrate world health Day. 

iii) For the wall magazine of your school. 

iv) The students of your school observe 5th September as teacher's day
in your school. 

v) A terrorist attack/Science exhibition organized in your school to be published in a local newspaper.


6. b) i) Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper expressing your viewers on physical punishment as a means of changing the behavior of the student in school. 

ii) Write a letter to the chairman of your municipality complaining about
the insanitary condition, lack of cleanliness and the problems of files and mosquitoes in your locality. 

iii) Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper about - a) global warming, b) Antisocial activities in your locality, c) Bad condition of road, d) Rishing prices of essential commodities.


6. c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title. 2+8 = 10

The space Agency NASA in 2016, announced that Earth has captured an
asteroid in its gravitational field, which means that our planet essentially now has a second moon. Researchers first noticed 2016 HO, on April 27 with the Pan-STARS | asteroid survey telescope, which is funded by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, a company responsible for tracking near-Earth objects. Scientists are confident that the space rock is no threat to our planned or to our primary moon. This new moon which has been designated 2016 HO, is a lot smaller than our original moon. It was spotted by astronomers at the asterOla survey telescope in Haleakala, Hawaii. In this case, there is no clear definition of what qualifies as a moon or a satellite, but the asteroid 2016 HO3, has Deen termed a moon or 'micro moon' by many popular science sites. The report explains that it is too far away to be considered a true satellite of our planet, Dut is one best and most stable examples to date of the near-Earth companion or quasi-satellite.

According to NASA's report," calculations indicate 2016 HO, has been a stable quasi-satellite of Earth for almost 100 years touring around the Earth and ts gravitational relationship with our planet will remain as a satellite. Earth's companion, for several centuries, scientists regard the asteroid as somewhat trapped in a "dance with the Earth" without risk. The asteroid is spinning so that it never wanders more than 100 times the distance of the primary moon and never less than 38 times the distance of the primary moon.

HS English Suggestion 2022 | WB Exams| উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022


1. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided. 1x4=4

PROSE *The Eyes Have It *

i) According to Ruskin Bond, the gets time for visiting the hill is- a) September, b) October, c) November, d) December. 

ii) The girl was get down at - a) Dehra, b) Rohana, c) Saharanpur, d) Deharadun. 

iii) "Well, an interesting face can also be.. this is said by - a) the narrator, b) the girl, c) the girl's parents, d) passen-ger of the narrator. 

Ans.-- i) b, ii) c, iii) a.

*Strong Roots*

i) One of the forbears of Kalam's mother was awarded the title of- a) Bahadur, b) Lord, c) Knight, d) Sir. 

ii) APJ Abdul Kalam was by birth a - a) Telugu, b) Tamil, c) Kannad, d) Malayali, 

iii) After the names, he used to walk down to a small a) flower garden, b) kitchen garden, c) coconut grove, d) room. 

iv) Rameswaram was famous for - a) Shiva temple, b) Mosque, c) Sea Beach, d) Garden.

Ans. - i) a, ii) b, iii) c, iv) a.

*Three Questions*

i) When the 1sar approached the hermit was a) digging the seedbeds, b) ground, c) showing seeds, d) preparing seedbeds. 

ii) When the Tsar woke up the wounded man asked for - a) a glass of water, b) forgiveness, c) his property) nothing. 

ii) The Tsar laid the wounded man on the -a) threshold, b) ground, c) bed, d) mat. 
Ans. - i) b, ii) b, iii) c.

2. Answer any four of the following questions each a complete sentence. : 1x4 = 4

* The Eyes Have it *

i) How did the narrator in 'The Eyes Have it' - describe the voice of the blind girl. 

ii) “a high pitched female voice" - Whose voice is referred to here? 

iii) Who came to see off the girl? 

iv) Who would receive the blind girl at the destination? 

Ans: - i) The voice of the blind girl had the sparkle of a mountain
stream, ii) The girl's aunt voice. iii) The girl's parents, iv) The girl's aunt.

* Strong Roots *

1) When was the ancestral house of Kalam built? 

ii) What made Rameswaram so famous? 

iii) Who was the high priest of Rameswaram temple? 

iv) What was the name of APJA. Kalam's mother? 

v) 'Oh! how lucky you are'- Who said this and about whom? 

Ans: - i) In the 19th Century. ii) The Shiva Temple, iii) Pakshi
Lakshmana Sastry, iv) Ashiamma, v) The girl said this about the narrator.

* Three Questions *

i) Where did the Tsar fall asleep? 

ii) Where did the hermit live? 
iii) Why was the Tsar glad? 

Ans: - i) On the threshold of the hermit's hut. ii) In a wood which
he never quitted. iii) Because he had made peace with his enemy very easily.

3. Complete each of the following sentences choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided. 1x4 = 4

POETRY* Asleep in the Valley *

i) The poet request Nature - a) to full the soldier. b) to disturb the soldier's sleep. c) keep the soldier warm, d) make the soldier catch a cold. 

ii) The smile of the soldier in the poem - a) gently, b) witty, c) foolish, d) cunning. 

ii) The dead soldier was - a) middle-aged, b) very young, e) young, d) old man.

Ans. - i)c, ii) a, iji) b.

* Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day *

i) William Shakespeare is known as the 'Bard of -a) Avon, b) England, c)
Ireland, d) India. 

ii) The poet imagines that his friend possesses -a) momentary summer, b) glory, c) charm, d) eternal summer. 

iii) “So long lives this" - here this' refers to the - a) friend, b) sonnet, c) readers, d) beloved person.

Ans. - i) a, ii) d, iii) b.

* The Poetry of Earth*

1) The voice of the grasshopper represents - a) gloom, b) mirth, c) death, d) ephemerality

ii) The birds hide in-a) a shade of trees, b) Shadow of trees, c) Cold trees, d) Cooling trees. 

iii) According to Keats, the music of earth ceases - a) in summer, b) in winter, c) in autumn, d) at no point in time. 

iv) A winter evening is -a) hazy, b) silent, c) gloomy, d) delightful. 

Ans. - i) b, ii) d, iii) d, iv) b.

4. Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentence. 1x4.= 4

* Asleep in the Valley *

i) How is the soldier lying in the valley? 
ii) Where are the feet of the soldier? 
iii) How is the bad of the dead soldier? 
iv) What is the smile of the dead soldier compared to?

Ans: - i) Open-mouthed in the valley with a pillow of form under his head. ii) among the flowers. iii) is warm, green, and unsoaked. iv) an infant's gentle and pure smile.

* Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day *

i) What does the eye of heaven' refer to? 
ii) What is the structure of sonnet No. 18 of William Shakespeare? 
iii) What shall death not brag in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18? 
iv) What is the central theme of the poem?

Ans: - i) the sun, ii) It is divided into three quatrains and a couplet. iii) It can spoil the youth and beauty poet's friend. iv) Supremacy of art oven death and decay.

*The Poetry of Earth *

i) What kind of sonnet is 'The poetry of Earth ?' 
ii) “With his delight”- Whose
delights are spoken te here? 
iii) What brings silence in winter? 
iv) Who breaks the silence of winter?

Ans:- i) Is a Petrarchan sonnet, ii) the grasshopper, iii) the frost, iv) the cricket's song.

5. Choosing the correct answer from the alternatives provided: 1x4 = 4

DRAMA / PLAY "The proposal"

1) The play "The proposal" was fit performed in - a) 1890, b) 1980, c) 1989, d) 1920. 

ii) “Ilang your Squeezer" this is said by - a) Lomov, b) Natalaya, c)
Chubukov, d) None of them, 

iii) “On, unhappy man that I am !" - I' refers to - a) Lomov, b) Chubukov, c) Natalaya, d) None., 

iv) "Boy! milksop !" - What does the word "milksop' mean? - a) shame, b) strong, c) silly, d) weak. 

v) Natalaya's dog's name is - a) Jim, b) Tom, c) Squeezer, d) Guess. vi) Lomoy's was in his - a) the early thirties, b) late thirties, c) mid-thirties, d) beyond thirties, 

vii) "He is come to borrow money" - chubukov says this to - a) Lomov, b) Himself, c) Natalaya Stepanovna, d) His other neighbors. 

viii) Lomov accused chubukov's grandfather of - a) lunacy, b) murder, c) embezzlement, d) lying,

ix) The defect of squeezer, according to Lomov is in its -a) teeth, b) jaw, c) leg, d) tail. 

x) The common desire of the three characters in the play is - a)marriage, b) money, property, d) family glary.

Ans: -- i) a, ii) a, iii) b, iv) c, V) c, vi) c, vii) b, viii) c, ix) b, x) a.

HS English Suggestion PDF. PDF ডাউনলোড করতে চাইলে অবশ্যই কমেন্টে জানাবেন এবং পাশের নীল রংয়ের ঘণ্টা টি টার্চ করে SUBSCARIB করবেন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটিকে।  

অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশান 2022 / পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 / দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (HS English Suggestion 2022 / HS English MCQ, Short, Descriptive Type Question and Answer 2022 / West Bengal HS English Suggestion 2022

HS English Suggestion 2022 উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022.পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার সাজেশন 2022.(West Bengal Higher Secondary Class 12th English Suggestion 2022) নিচে দেওয়া হল. এই West Bengal HS English Suggestion 2022 WBCHSE - পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 MCQ, সংক্ষিপ্ত, অতিসংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রোচনাধর্মী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর গুলি আগামী HS English 2022 - উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি 2022 পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট. তোমরা যারা দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 - HS English Suggestion 2022 খুঁজে চলেছো, তারা নিচে দেওয়া প্রশ্নপত্র ভালো করে পড়তে পারো. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা তে এই সাজেশন বা কোশ্চেন (HS English Suggestion 2022 - উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজিসাজেশন 2022) গুলো আসার সম্ভাবনা খুব বেশি.

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